Brenau University

Brenau University


Brenau University challenges students to live extraordinary lives of personal and professional fulfillment. As students pursue undergraduate and graduate degrees or non-degree programs at Brenau campuses and online, each prepares for a lifetime of intellectual accomplishment and appreciation of artistic expression through a curriculum enriched by the liberal arts, scientific inquiry and global awareness.

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Not just excellent — extraordinary. At Brenau, this is education: Using your language skills to translate scientific research from a foreign language to complete a biology experiment; learning dance by participating and performing with a professional company; researching zoology, speaking Spanish and studying Mayan culture deep in the Yucatan forest.

Such experiences make life extraordinary.

And such is living and learning at Brenau, where education has the power to change lives. “Brenau University has shown me how things connect,” says one student. “And in those connections, I discovered how I could succeed.”

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